All are welcome at Astoria Christian Church!

Regular Activities

Sunday Morning

  • 9:00 am - Worship Service
  • 10:15 am - Community Time
  • 10:30 am - Sunday School

Wednesday Night

  • 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm - Family Night (for all ages)

Everyone is invited to all of these events.

God's Law

I grew up loving rules. In fact, one time while playing a game of hide and seek with my cousins, 3rd grade me got so upset about someone cheating that I punched a glass window and got a dozen stitches in my arm. I sure taught that cheating cousin a lesson that day! Often I would get into arguments with my cousins and brothers about minute rules of a game or competition, even if it wasn’t to my advantage!
And I still enjoy having limits that I live within, I think we all do. In fact, we’re a family that actually ends a game of Monopoly after a few hours because we actually play by the rules (for the most part). But I’ve also slowly developed a mentality of when the rules need to be stretched and when grace needs to be applied to life. But there’s a balance in life, for those things, isn’t there? I mean times when the rules need to be applied strictly and times when grace needs to abound in full measure, as well as everything in between.
But I’ve found, more and more, that the source of the rule and expectation is important, too. From laws that our government imposes to rules that our schools follow to rules in our own houses, the importance of each rule varies depending upon the situation and circumstances. Even the source of those rules and laws makes a significant difference as well.
And then I’m reading in Psalm 119, which is a lengthy poem/song about the nature of God’s law. And there’s a common theme of loving God’s commands and rules. There’s even bold statements about how wonderful the laws are. And that shouldn’t be surprising, but I don’t think many of us would say we love laws, right? I mean, maybe we do, and I know we certainly see the necessity of them, but I don’t think any of us just love laws and rules all of the time.
But the verse that struck me recently from 119 is v 18, “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.” (NIV) I think that’s a great prayer, but one we don’t often consider. I mean, we know the need for laws and rules, but we don’t like them all the time. And even when we know they’re good and best for us and others, we don’t necessarily follow them well, right?
But what if we prayed to see the wonderful things about God’s law? What if we, even when we don’t understand it, just obey the laws and rules given to us by the God who created the world and knows how it works? What if we could more and more see the value and purpose of God’s wonderful law?
I pray we do and I pray we see the fruit from that prayer. God bless.

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