All are welcome at Astoria Christian Church!

Regular Activities

Sunday Morning

  • 9:00 am - Worship Service
  • 10:15 am - Community Time
  • 10:30 am - Sunday School

Wednesday Night

  • 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm - Family Night (for all ages)

Everyone is invited to all of these events.

Hard Life

Many of us could say, to a certain extent, we’ve had a hard life, right? Or at seasons of life where we’ve struggled financially, relationally, or with our addiction. In relation to others, we might not have the same struggles or the same depth of struggle that others have. But I think we all know what a hard life feels like. But there are different types of hard lives, right?
And what I mean is that some of us have a lot of unwarranted circumstances impact us that made our life hard. We can all probably think of a family or situation where it just seems like one disaster after another, one loss after another, seems to hit them especially hard. And those natural disasters, those diseases, those random accidents, those horrible circumstances seem to fall over and over again making life hard. And it’s no one’s fault. Just a series of unfortunate situations keeps coming down on them.
But then there are the situations and groups who make life hard on themselves because of their own bad decisions. And we know these situations, too. These are people who know better, who were raised better and who were given opportunities to get out of their hard life but didn’t want to put the hard work in to make their lives better. Often they’ve resigned themselves to a hard life because they simply want to do what they want to do no matter the consequences.
And then we have those who Jesus tells will have a hard life. And this is true for followers of Jesus but really any who choose to do what is good and right and loving but still face hardship and difficulties. Often they face those hardships because of their godly choices. We don’t see that as often in our culture but currently there are millions around the world who face hardship because they follow Jesus. But even in our own culture, we see how people who take a stand, who toe the line of what is good and right, are insulted and hated and slandered because of these choices. But we also see how godly people sacrifice finances, comforts and personal desires and choose a hard life because they love Jesus.
Jesus tells us in Matthew 7.14, “But the gate to life is narrow and the way that leads to it is hard, and there are few people who find it.” (GNT) The path to the narrow gate can be hard, but crossing into the gate is life: an abundant, full and blessed life. And that’s a promise for the future, but I think he means now, too. Just because life is hard doesn’t mean it’s not enjoyable and blessed. Since life can be hard whatever the path, I pray we chose the path to the narrow gate that leads to life. God bless.

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