All are welcome at Astoria Christian Church!

Regular Activities

Sunday Morning

  • 9:00 am - Worship Service
  • 10:15 am - Community Time
  • 10:30 am - Sunday School

Wednesday Night

  • 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm - Family Night (for all ages)

Everyone is invited to all of these events.


Answer this question for me: “How much does watching YouTube impact your overall well-bring?” You have the choices of ‘None’, ‘A Little’, ‘Some’ and ‘A Lot’. This was an actual survey question given to me recently. Now, it was pretty easy for me to select ‘None’ and finish the survey, but it got me thinking, maybe YouTube is important for someone’s well-being.
And I’m not here to judge, but the question caused me to realize there are people who probably do rely on YouTube for much of their well-being. And I’m not talking about YouTubers who make a living with their videos, but what about those who think they ‘need’ YouTube to survive the day. Or maybe just to feel good or for their ‘overall well-being’.
And I guess that’s the age we live in. I know I struggle when I don’t have technology available to me, especially internet, because I have come to rely on it for so many things. From work to communication to simply resting, I rely on the internet so much. And in some ways, that’s unfortunate.
Because shouldn’t there be more? I mean, shouldn’t we rely less on YouTube to make us feel better or to feel whole and more on something bigger than YouTube. And even if we don’t use YouTube or some other form of technology, are there other means that we use to help us feel better? Is there something in my life, in your life, that we just have to do or have in order to feel good…or even complete?
And when we were growing up, maybe it was a teddy bear or a parent. Maybe as we grew it became a car or a spouse. Maybe it became a substance that helps us through the day, from sugar to cannabis. Maybe you’re like me and you can’t seem to fall asleep without ‘it’ (whatever ‘it’ is).
But what if there were something bigger than those ‘its’. Bigger than you. Bigger than me. And what if that bigger thing was God? Instead of ‘needing’ an activity or a substance or a hobby, God was enough for me to feel well. To feel whole. To feel complete.
And I want him to be that for me…and for you. But the trouble is, how? My answer, which I’m still working on, is slowly and steadily putting aside that ‘it’ and turning to God in those needs. Instead of sugar, I can pray to God for peace. Instead of TV, I can ask God to help me rest. Instead of a hobby, I give my time to God. And though sugar and TV and hobbies aren’t necessarily bad, when they are where we get our well-being, then they can be. So, will you join me by putting aside that ‘it’ and turning more to God? God bless.

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