All are welcome at Astoria Christian Church!

Regular Activities

Sunday Morning

  • 9:00 am - Worship Service
  • 10:15 am - Community Time
  • 10:30 am - Sunday School

Wednesday Night

  • 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm - Family Night (for all ages)

Everyone is invited to all of these events.


The holidays, maybe especially this year, are often filled with a mixture of feelings. Obviously we think of joy and excitement, especially for children and to be able to see family. But then we all know the pain that can come with the holidays as well. And not just the stress and turmoil of plans and expenses, but also the pain and hurt that easily gets stirred because of the losses that we have had throughout the year.
And I imagine all of us have faced some kind of loss this year. It could have been a tragic loss of a loved one who we still can’t believe is gone. Maybe it was the loss of a job or other income due to the pandemic. Maybe it was the loss of connection or our idealism about government or science.
But no matter what you’ve lost this year, you’re probably feeling it more now and will in the coming weeks. I know there have been a number of things that I’ve lost this year, some more significant than others, but certain ones stick out to me more. Obviously unexpected loss is hard, and it often takes a while to soak in. And if it is a permanent loss where there is no replacement, it hits even harder. And, obviously, the loss of a relationship, especially suddenly and permanently, is the hardest of all. But then there are the losses of those who choose to walk away that can hurt deeply, too.
And, obviously, it depends on what that relationship looked like to begin with and how that relationship is changed, but when someone chooses to go a different path than where you’re heading, it’s hard. Especially when that change in path came as a result of conflict and hurt.
And then I got to thinking that the pain and hurt and loneliness that I feel with their choice, God’s feelings about each time I step out of line with his path, he feels that much more. In fact, the image we see in the book of Hosea is dynamic and almost gut wrenching. I encourage you to check out the first few chapters of that book, but basically God tells Hosea to go and marry a prostitute and make her the mother of his children. This prostitute, however, doesn’t leave her promiscuous life and Hosea must continually bring her back from the arms of other men. But he loves her, passionately and fiercely, and just can’t let her go.
And that’s how God feels for us. We can cheat, walk away, and go down the wrong path over and over and over again, but he still wants to relate to us. He still loves us, passionately and fiercely. So, no matter what you’ve lost this year, I pray we remember that we can never lose the love of God. God bless.

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