All are welcome at Astoria Christian Church!

Regular Activities

Sunday Morning

  • 9:00 am - Worship Service
  • 10:15 am - Community Time
  • 10:30 am - Sunday School

Wednesday Night

  • 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm - Family Night (for all ages)

Everyone is invited to all of these events.

Mouth of Babes

So, it’s been a busy day around the church as kids and their parents come to meet their teacher and see the building. I am excited that the school is able to use our local churches to help get the school year started with in-class participation. And I’m also excited that I was told I could be ‘acting principal’ for the 4th grade class that will be using our facility!
And though the title ‘principal’ has a certain ring of authority and power to it, when I told my kids and the neighbor boy who visits our home often that I’d be their principal, they said that I was ‘too nice’ to be the principal. Whatever their expectation of a principal is, I obviously don’t fit it. And, honestly, other than the title ‘acting principal’ I really don’t want the responsibilities that come with being an actual principal (we have good ones here anyway).
And I would absolutely agree that kids need discipline in their life, something that I am probably too lenient on at times, but I also truly believe that discipline doesn’t always mean punishment, either. Though there are certainly times when we need to take away a privilege or add a consequence for our kids when they step outside our guidelines, I also believe that communication is also a great way to discipline our kids, too.
And what I mean is that often times when there is an issue between my kids, after my initial hollering and separating of the children, I talk to all who were involved. I try to figure out what happened and then ask them how they could have handled it better. Obviously there are times when I punish, but usually if I feel like they’ve understood and can calm down, I let them try and work it out.
Which brings me back to that neighbor boy who thought I was ‘too nice’. He has been one I’ve had to ‘communicate’ with about his choices, especially at our Family Night program. And I’ve threatened him with punishment and talked to him about his behavior but I haven’t really punished him, which is maybe part of how I’m ‘too nice’.
But, then, he surprises me. The same day he said I was ‘too nice’ he also thanked me for letting him come over and for giving him some supper (which he even complimented, by the way). And I can’t help but feel like my lack of punishment is a big part of that gratitude.
So, what I’m praying for this week is that instead of the ‘spare the rod’ mentality that some of us grow up with, maybe we can try and treat our kids like they’re little people who are just learning how to live in this world who need less punishment and more communication and grace. God bless.

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