All are welcome at Astoria Christian Church!

Regular Activities

Sunday Morning

  • 9:00 am - Worship Service
  • 10:15 am - Community Time
  • 10:30 am - Sunday School

Wednesday Night

  • 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm - Family Night (for all ages)

Everyone is invited to all of these events.

Matthew's Articles

Involved in a Community

What’s most important in life? We might say our family. We might say our faith. We might say our job. It’s interesting to me, though, that what the Bible talks about most, isn’t any of those things. Sure, faith in terms of our relationship with God is primary in our lives overall, but it almost seems like that relationship with God is secondary, or at least it’s complementary, to something else.

Humble Burdens

How often do you get in fights? Are you often the instigator? Maybe you just find yourself in a fight due to no fault of your own? (I’m sure that’s most of us, right?) But fights and conflict are a normal part of life. Even a simple conflict to decide where to eat out can be a fight, even if it’s resolved quickly. But, often, fights escalate and become more than simple disagreements when fear and pride get in the way.

A Good Friend

Who in your life is a good friend? The one you spend the most time with? The one who is there when life gets hard? The one who checks in regularly? The one you just seem to have a natural connection with, even if you don’t see each other often? Maybe it’s the same person for all of these questions. I think all of these can be good friends. However, some of those people we spend the most time with may not be a good friend. Maybe they’re a convenient friend or someone we simply put up with.

God's Children

What’s the hardest parenting decision you’ve ever made? It seems that today parents have it so much harder than in the past because we have so many choices. We have organic and gluten-free options as well as various medical choices, not to mention so many clothing options. And we don’t want to be helicopter parents, but we don’t want to be too lax either. Like most everything in this world, we’re trying to find a balance, and basically making it up as we go along, right?

All About Me

It’s interesting how one of the first words kids learn is ‘mine’, right? I know I tried not to use that word very often just so my kid’s didn’t learn it (they learned it anyway). And though I believe possession and ownership can be a valuable part of this world, I also believe that we need to keep in mind that everything we have ultimately belongs to God. He gave it to us through some means and so we should hold on to it loosely.

Won't You be my Neighbor?

Who’s your neighbor? I haven’t seen the new Mister Rogers movie yet, but the idea of being a neighbor is interesting to me. However, Mister Rogers certainly didn’t originate the idea. In fact, since he was a Presbyterian minister, I’m pretty confident he got it directly from Jesus. But the idea of being a neighbor isn’t just about Jesus, it’s something that impacts us all.


Now that most of our Christmas presents have been opened, are there any you’ll be returning? Any you plan to regift? I was listening to a podcast this week that discussed the issue of regifting and the social acceptability of this practice. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, regifting is when you receive a present from someone and since you don’t need or want it, you rewrap it and give it to someone else.

Good News

When was the last time you received good news? Maybe it was a good diagnosis at the doctor. Maybe it was a good test score or a school grade. Maybe it was a new baby in your world. One interesting thing about good news is that even though we may be skeptical of how true it is, often we want good news to be true, right? Even if it seems ‘too good to be true’, we often hope for good news to be true.


Are you in the holiday spirit? Feeling festive? Are you merry and jolly? I was talking with someone this week who said they just couldn’t quite feel the joy of the holidays. They were behind on their holiday shopping and were hoping a Christmas concert would get them in the mood.


Have you ever been robbed? Maybe someone broke into your home and took something valuable. Maybe you returned to your car after work and noticed the broken window. Or maybe you’ve even been mugged. And though some thefts are more violent than others, I think all of them make us feel vulnerable and alone. They leave us with a terrible feeling of loss (not just for the possessions taken) but maybe a loss of security or sense of safety.
